Electronic commerce (ecommerce) is the way that the client manages to offer his product to a wide public, through his own website and other mechanisms.
It is based on a platform in which the client can manage his virtual store, and through this product he can carry out customer acquisition and product sales through the web platform offered by Pages Web CR.
Electronic commerce as virtual stores
Electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce (electronic commerce in English) or online commerce or online commerce, consists of buying and selling products or services through electronic means, such as social networks and other websites .
The term was applied to the realization of transactions by electronic means such as electronic data interchange, in the mid-90s it began to refer mainly to the sale of goods and services through the Internet, using electronic means as a form of payment. such as credit cards, debit cards, and other means of payment.
What is needed for Electronic commerce (ecommerce)?
- Your own website.
- A card processor can either be charged by any other means of payment.
- Web notifications, to notify your customers of your new products.
- Https protocol (which is the padlock that certifies the security and truthfulness of the website).
- Hosting where to store your website.
- Database, where you store the products.
See online demo store

The Marketing Agency offers tailor-made solutions, or if the client requires it, use a CMS, as content manager to offer your online store services, or professional services on the web, and thus acquire more clients for your company or business.